Purple Rep:

The All-American Genderf*ck Cabaret

by Mariah McCarthy

Director: Heidi Handelsman

running in rep with:

The Unmarying Project

by Larry Kunofsky

Director: Rachel Eckerling

Lighting Design: Lois Catanzaro

Video Design: Daniel Heffernan

Costume Design: Polina Roytman

Press for The Unmarying Project:

"Tim McMath’s set is amazing. It’s the most unique way of handling props I’ve ever seen in a play. There are slanting arches on which a video tickertape runs continuous narration. The slanted back wall is painted gray, as are all the props. Phones, trays, cups, bowls of salad, etc., are all stuck to the back wall, and pulled off to use when needed. It resembles one of those eye puzzles. It is an effective idea that is executed with skill and craft."


"...the single tidy thing existing here is the inventive scenic design by Tim McMath: a floor that's slightly askew plus a gray back wall, with "Laugh-In" style openings, on which the play's many props, all of them gray, are hung. Aiding this is an askew frame on which Daniel Heffernan's strolling video messages furnish information and happy distraction."


Press for The All-American Genderf*ck Cabaret

"In a reflection of the themes of Genderf*ck Cabaret, the set is tilted at an angle, covered with string lights. The backdrop is made from fabrics of various texture and color overlapping in a lively, diverse collage. If this set were a bar on 4th Street, I’d be there all the time.  To add to the design fun, the costumes seem to be inspired by Michael Jackson, Otto Titsling, and Marisa Tomei. And this ambitious group even made use of a makeshift fly system, pullying over the grid to fly in a slab of wood used as a table in various scenes and even a magical flown-in cocktail. Divine."

--Joseph Samuel Wright, Theatre Is Easy